About the project
Tecno Impianti is a company founded in 1979, in Valgreghentino, operating in wire drawing industry; it supplies vertical and horizontal wire drawing bullblocks, horizontal spoolers, vertical spoolers, double automatic vertical spoolers, wire pointing machines, hydraulic push-pointers, uncoilers, feeding devices, in-line wire drawing machines, cold rolling lines for production of smooth and ribbed wire for electrowelded wire mesh and lattive girders, mechanical descalers, lubricant dispensers, rolling and profiling cassettes, straight-line multipass wire drawing machines. The sectors where Tecno Impianti operates are the fasteners industry, the construction sector and the thin wires sectors.At Wire & Tube fair, Tecno Impianti srl engaged Honegger, the exclusive representative for Italy of Messe Düsseldorf, also for the ideation and realisation of the exhibition space. Wire & Tube is the biennial event for cables, metal wires and pipes industries; an international event attracting a selected audience from all over the world, belonging to industrial sectors ranging from automotive to electronics and chemical industry, from building to the electronic industry.